The James Gang (1997)

The James Gang Links


Trailer (with French subtitles)


Pearl in the Shell (Toni Collette)

John Hannah plays:  Spendlove James
Click here for pictures from The James Gang
Summary:  Scottish mother Bernadette James' (Helen McCrory) house is firebombed when her husband, Spendlove's (John Hannah) gambling debts pile up.  She takes her four children and goes looking for her husband.  When she finds him, singing in a lounge in London, she asks that he take more responsibility for the family and asks him to support them, pointing out that they have nothing but the clothes on their backs.  He refuses, but finds himself driving the getaway car when Bernadette robs a jewelry store to support the family (using the kids as decoys).  The family goes on a crime spree, robbing and shoplifting their way across the country with the help of Spendlove's brother, Frank (Jason Flemyng).

My thoughts:  John Hannah was pleasingly unlikable.  His character was rather smarmy and he played it quite convincingly.  I'm always impressed when he can make me dislike him.  I thought the movie was quite funny and entertaining.

Last Update: 22 May 2001 by SRAH